Division on Visual Impairments

VIDBE-Q 69.2 SPRING 2024

A quarterly newsletter from the Council for Exceptional Children's Division on Visual Impairments containing practitioner tips for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists, and other professionals.

Issue link: http://dvi.uberflip.com/i/1519788

Contents of this Issue


Page 53 of 68

VIDBE-Q Volume 69 Issue 2 References American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus and American Association of Ophthalmology (2022). Vision screening for infants and children-2022 [Joint Press Release]. American Academy of Ophthalmology. https://www.aao.org/education/clinical-statement/vision-screening-infants- children-2022 Atowa, U. C., Wajuihian, S. O., & Hansraj, R. (2019). A review of pediatric Vision screening protocols and guidelines. International Journal of Ophthalmology, 12(7), 1194–1201. https://doi.org/10.18240/ijo.2019.07.22 Block, S., Chen, D., Cotter, S., & Nielsen, A. (2020). 18 vision development milestones from birth to baby's first. National Center to Prevent Blindness. https://nationalcenter.preventblindness.org/wp- content/uploads/sites/22/2020/05/18-Key-vision-questions-to-ask-in-year- 1_version-5.27.2020.pdf Early Intervention Colorado. (2022). Vision screening parent questionnaire for children ages birth to three. A Shared Vision: Partners in Pediatric Blindness and Visual Impairment. https://www.asharedvision.org/resources.html Ely, M. (2020). Functional vision and hearing screening tool. Illinois School for the Deaf. http://illinoisdeaf.org/Outreach/Screeningtool.html

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