Division on Visual Impairments

VIDBE-Q 69.2 SPRING 2024

A quarterly newsletter from the Council for Exceptional Children's Division on Visual Impairments containing practitioner tips for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists, and other professionals.

Issue link: http://dvi.uberflip.com/i/1519788

Contents of this Issue


Page 32 of 68

TSVI – O&M – DB Degree & Certification Programs at Texas Tech University College of Education Virginia Murray Sowell Center for Research and Education in Sensory Disabilities Teacher of Students with VI Program o 24 semester graduate hours for VI Certification o All certification courses count toward a master's degree in special education, 36 semester graduate hours that includes the VI certification o Hybrid program with primarily distance education courses offered via internet, three face-to- face weekends in Texas o Must enter with a minimum 2.75 GPA and a bachelor's degree o Requires standard initial teaching certification in any area of general education or in special education o Texas certification requires passing 2 TExES state exams (braille & VI) Orientation & Mobility Program o 27 semester graduate hours for O&M Certification o 36 semester graduate hours for a master's degree in special education which includes the O&M Certification o Hybrid Program with distance education courses offered via internet, three face-to-face weekends, and two in-person courses on Lubbock campus (summer only) o Must enter with a minimum 2.5 GPA and a bachelor's degree o Program completion enables eligibility for ACVREP National COMS certification exam Deafblindness Program o 15 semester graduate hours for DB Graduate Certificate o 36 semester graduate hours for a master's degree in special education that includes the DB Certificate o Hybrid Program with primarily distance education courses offered via internet, two face- to-face weekends o Must enter with a minimum 2.5 GPA and a bachelor's degree o Program provides expertise in specialized area of deafblindness TSVI Coordinator Rona Pogrund, Ph.D. 806-252-8026 rona.pogrund@ttu.edu O&M Coordinator Nora Griffin-Shirley, Ph.D. 806-834-0225 n.griffin-shirley@ttu.edu DB Coordinator Phoebe Okungu, Ph.D. 806-834-0286 phoebe.okungu@ttu.edu How to apply: 1. Go to: www.depts.ttu.edu/gradschool/admissions/howtoapply.php, Graduate School Admissions: 806-742-2787, Contact Dr. L.J. Gould lj.gould@ttu.edu or 806-834-4224 for assistance with applications. 2. Complete application for desired certificate/certification/degree program, and pay $75 application fee (secondary applications or readmission apps cost $25 each) • Master's degree applications require 2 reference letters and a personal essay, no GRE scores required. 3. Send all transcripts to TTU Graduate School Admissions (graduate.admissions@ttu.edu) • All 3 master's degree programs will allow transfer of up to 6 graduate credit hours. 4. Upon admission, register and take courses! • Texas TSVI students must also submit information on teaching certification before admission.

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