Division on Visual Impairments

VIDBE-Q 69.2 SPRING 2024

A quarterly newsletter from the Council for Exceptional Children's Division on Visual Impairments containing practitioner tips for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists, and other professionals.

Issue link: http://dvi.uberflip.com/i/1519788

Contents of this Issue


Page 35 of 68

VIDBE-Q Volume 69 Issue 2 Table 1 Participant Demographics Age Disability Category Vision Motor Communication Participant 1 11 Multiple Disabilities Low vision (medical diagnoses of Joubert Syndrome and ptosis) Non- ambulatory, wheelchair user Non-verbal, pre-symbolic communicator Participant 2 14 Multiple Disabilities Low vision (medical diagnoses of Cortical Dysplasia, CVI, myopia, and astigmatism) Ambulatory with adult assistance; frequent seizures required used of gait trainer and stroller for safety Verbal, mostly echolalia with some spontaneous demonstration of familiar or rote-learned phrases (i.e., "wow!", "nice job!") Participant 3 7 Multiple Disabilities Blind (Medical diagnoses of ONH, SOD, and nystagmus) Ambulatory, able to navigate his classroom and home environment independently ; received weekly O&M services Non-verbal, pre-symbolic communicator

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