Division on Visual Impairments

VIDBE-Q 69.2 SPRING 2024

A quarterly newsletter from the Council for Exceptional Children's Division on Visual Impairments containing practitioner tips for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists, and other professionals.

Issue link: http://dvi.uberflip.com/i/1519788

Contents of this Issue


Page 20 of 68

VIDBE-Q Volume 69 Issue 2 National Center on Accessible Educational Materials. (2020). Higher education critical components of the quality indicators for the provision of accessible educational materials accessible technologies. Wakefield, MA: Author. Retrieved July 21, 2023, from https://aem.cast.org/get- started/resources/2020/higher-education-critical-components-of-the-quality- indicators-for-the-provision-of-accessible-educational-materials--accessible- technologies Neca, P., Borges, M. L., & Pinto, P. C. (2022). Teachers with disabilities: A literature review. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 26(12), 1192–1210. https://doi.org/10.1080/13603116.2020.1776779 Otis‐Wilborn, A. K., Cates, D., Proctor, T., & Kinnison, L. (1991). Preparing students with disabilities as special educators. Teaching Education, 4(1), 89– 102. https://doi.org/10.1080/1047621910040114 Parker, E. C., & Draves, T. J. (2017). A narrative of two preservice music teachers with visual impairment. Journal of Research in Music Education, 64(4), 385–404. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022429416674704 Redding, C. (2019). A teacher like me: A review of the effect of student–teacher racial/ethnic matching on teacher perceptions of students and student academic and behavioral outcomes. Review of Educational Research, 89(4), 499–535. https://doi.org/10.3102/0034654319853545

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