VIDBE-Q Volume 69 Issue 2
predictable layouts across their courses on the institution's learning
media management systems (e.g., Canvas, Blackboard, iLearn) to
minimize the stress of navigating and learning multiple versions of class
3. Administrators and higher education leadership can assist in placing a
greater emphasis on actionable steps that reflect accessible higher
education practices by implementing policies that adhere to the Critical
Components of the Quality Indicators for Higher Education (National
Center on Accessible Educational Materials, 2020). The indicators are
aimed at assisting institutions with planning, implementing, and
evaluating systems for providing accessible materials and technologies
for all students. These quality indicators are also meant to facilitate the
implementation of statutory requirements that mandate equitable access
to learning opportunities for students with disabilities, including equal
access to printed materials, digital materials, and technologies. In
providing organizational policies that follow recommended practices,
college leadership can lead faculty toward increased mindfulness
modeling a correct posture inclusion.
By listening and rooting instruction from the perspective of the diverse and
variable population of students in higher education, instruction can shift towards