VIDBE-Q Volume 68 Issue 4
buy into and learn to love literacy. My belief as a mother and educator is that
literacy can give the power to learn, to grow, to communicate, to succeed, and the
power to enjoy reading. I am an advocate for not just accessible literacy but
supporting a love for literacy for all children, at all stages. I believe that all
children should be given the opportunities to love literacy and should have books
and texts that are accessible to them. No matter their ability or level. Students that
may not be braille readers can still enjoy and create books; they still have a story to
tell. Start early and get them 'hooked' on literacy at a young age! Make books fun;
use anything that will hold their interest. Make books specifically made for them
and their unique abilities. If they are into beads and jewelry; add beads and jewelry
to the pages or place into a story box. If they are interested in dogs; add dog related
stories and items to a book. Make interactive parts; things they can move, slide,
and find. Create experience books or have stories about things they are an 'expert'
on. Show them that books are fun, are meaningful, and that they can come in a
variety of shapes, genres, and activities. Books can be used to learn, share,
communicate and to just enjoy!
Allow young children to write in whatever mode they prefer. Encourage
them to scribble and create stories, letters, and words. This can be using crayons,
tactile writing boards, markers, pencils, braille writers, or a slate and stylus. Let
them know and believe that they can write, and their words matter. Especially early