Division on Visual Impairments

VIDBEQ 66.3 Summer 2021

A quarterly newsletter from the Council for Exceptional Children's Division on Visual Impairments containing practitioner tips for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists, and other professionals.

Issue link: http://dvi.uberflip.com/i/1400854

Contents of this Issue


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VIDBE-Q Volume 66 Issue 3 I have them? Now what? Once I completed the four hour training course, I applied and received my LEGO® Braille Bricks kit. The kit included four full sets of LEGO® Braille Bricks. I was elated the day they arrived at my school and couldn't wait to begin exploring and using the kits. It felt like Christmas as I opened the box to reveal the new teaching tools included inside. Each set includes two gray baseboards and 250 LEGO® Braille Bricks. The possibilities are limitless and the potential to use the bricks seems to only keep expanding. The LEGO® Foundation wants the bricks to go to teachers working with children with visual impairments so that the LEGOs can stay with the teacher and be used with as many children as possible. I was gifted one of the most amazing students four years ago and she was the reason I applied for the LEGO® Braille Bricks. Janessa has a diagnosis of deaf/blindness but has never let that hold her back. Janessa is a bright and extraordinarily intelligent young woman. She is going into the sixth grade and is twelve years old. Janessa has a passion for learning and a determination to make her goals into realities. Janessa has made a huge impact on me personally and prompted me to earn my license to become a Teacher of the Visually Impaired. To know and to teach Janessa is truly a gift. I have watched Janessa grow from recognizing braille letters to now reading and writing full sentences in contracted braille. I am always looking for new ways to increase her engagement while also

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