VIDBE-Q Volume 63 Issue 2
Since the students were interested in how to write degrees Fahrenheit, the first
example might suffice. However, if they desired, they could review the other examples
and learn about how this symbol is used in different mathematical contexts.
Several terms will land students on the same description so if their terminology is
slightly different, they still get the same description and examples. The description for the
superscript indicator can be found by searching exponent, exponent of an exponent,
superscript, superscript indicator, powers, and baseline indicator (for superscript).
We sincerely hope that these newly developed resources will assist students in
obtaining grade-level mathematical competence while learning to read and write the
Nemeth Code. We also hope that these resources will support parents and teachers of
students with visual impairments as they teach the Nemeth Code to their
children/students. Learning the Nemeth Code should be fun, easy, and meaningful!