Division on Visual Impairments


A quarterly newsletter from the Council for Exceptional Children's Division on Visual Impairments containing practitioner tips for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists, and other professionals.

Issue link: http://dvi.uberflip.com/i/1505296

Contents of this Issue


Page 10 of 70

VIDBE-Q Volume 68 Issue 3 11 doubt aware, teacher attrition and teacher shortages are front and center in the news today. Overall, data indicates that as a whole, education is a profession that loses close to 50% of its workforce in the first five years of their careers. Obviously, teaching is challenging. It can test our confidence, deplete our patience, and even break our hearts. You need to have a level of emotional resilience most other jobs don't require. At this particular time, as the cumulative impact of the pandemic on schools becomes clearer, teaching may be harder than ever. The need to cultivate resilience, to be able to bounce back from adverse circumstances, is more important than ever. I don't think our training fully prepares us to be resilient. What habits have you developed that build resilience? What practices can you engage in to renew your passion? The beginning of the school year is an ideal time to reflect on your "why." It's also a great time to clarify your values to help you develop a strong a sense of purpose. Knowing your purpose makes it more likely you will be able to handle difficult situations in ways that align with that purpose. One habit that your membership in DVIDB facilitates is building a community with colleagues. Connections with others who have similar interests reinforces why we became vision professionals and helps build resilience. DVIDB is proud to offer opportunities throughout the year to support your continued learning and networking. Be sure to watch your email for our upcoming fall

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