Division on Visual Impairments


A quarterly newsletter from the Council for Exceptional Children's Division on Visual Impairments containing practitioner tips for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists, and other professionals.

Issue link: http://dvi.uberflip.com/i/1498153

Contents of this Issue


Page 29 of 79

VIDBE-Q Volume 68 Issue 2 30 grant team was comprised of the following partners, which brought the needed expertise on transition and the expanded core curriculum for students with low incidence sensory disabilities: • LISD faculty – Shawnee State University • Special Education faculty – University of Rio Grand • Teachers of the Deaf & Teachers of the Visually Impaired – South Central Ohio ESC • Teachers of the Deaf & Teachers of the Visually Impaired – Southern Ohio ESC • District Administrators – Southern Ohio ESC. Portsmouth City Schools, and Ohio Valley ESC • Business Partner – Functional Training Services A grant core team met bi-monthly to establish roles and timelines and keep the grant on track. Members of the core team also served as leaders during the full grant team retreats. A grant evaluator also attended each meeting. The full grant team attended 3 weekend overnight retreats (Friday/Saturday) to complete the goals of the project (see below). The major goals of the grant project were: • Utilize a partnership model to identify and create resources

Articles in this issue

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