Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016
hands-on presentations from naturalists or experts in the field, who provided
lots of items for the campers to touch and experience.
The camp also gives students in The Ohio State University's
professional preparation program for Teachers of the Visually Impaired the
opportunity to engage with students who are visually impaired in a unique
camp setting. Each year we are fortunate to have an amazing cohort of
future TVI's to assist with the camp and develop lessons for our campers.
The STEM camp can accommodate up to 20 campers and students
must fill out an application, which can be found on OSSB's website. The
camp is a great way for students to build their STEM skills in a fun and
engaging environment, connect with other students who have an interest in
STEM and maybe see STEM as an area for further pursuit.
Braille Immersion Camps
The Ohio State School for the Blind, in cooperation with the Ohio
Department of Education, Office for Exceptional Children, Center for
Instructional Supports and Accessible Materials (CISAM), Braille Excellence