Division on Visual Impairments

VIDBEQ 69.4 Fall 2024

A quarterly newsletter from the Council for Exceptional Children's Division on Visual Impairments containing practitioner tips for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists, and other professionals.

Issue link: http://dvi.uberflip.com/i/1527705

Contents of this Issue


Page 76 of 113

NOTE: ALL PRESENTERS MUST REGISTER FOR THE CONFERENCE. PRESENTERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN TRAVEL AND ACCOMODATIONS. Name of Lead Presenter: Affiliation: Email: Co-presenters' Names, Titles, Emails and Affiliation (if applicable): NOTE: All presenters must be listed here to be included in the conference program. Write names, titles, and affiliations exactly as you want them to appear in the program. Title of Presentation (as it should appear in the Conference Program): Brief program description (as it should appear in the program and pre- conference advertisements - Limit of 50 words): Type of presentation (all presentations are scheduled for 1 hour): ☐ Concurrent Session ☐ Panel ☐ Workshop (interactive) ☐ Poster ☐ Roundtable Please provide a one-page description of your proposed presentation. Information shared might include the following: • Overall purpose and relevance to literacy (limit to 300 words or less) • Type of information being shared (i.e. research, practice oriented, medical). • Targeted age group (early childhood, elementary, high school, adult, etc.) and population to which information best applies (students/adults with low vision, gifted students, struggling braille readers, students with multiple disabilities, etc.) • Target audience (teachers of students with visual impairments, rehabilitation teachers, low vision therapists, transcribers, parents, students, or others AV Equipment All rooms will be equipped with the following equipment: • Speaker's table • LCD projector • Screen • Speaker's podium

Articles in this issue

view archives of Division on Visual Impairments - VIDBEQ 69.4 Fall 2024