Division on Visual Impairments

VIDBEQ 69.4 Fall 2024

A quarterly newsletter from the Council for Exceptional Children's Division on Visual Impairments containing practitioner tips for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists, and other professionals.

Issue link: http://dvi.uberflip.com/i/1527705

Contents of this Issue


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VIDBE-Q Volume 69 Issue 4 Vignette – Miranda and the School Kitchen Stove Mr. Vargas is an itinerant TSVI working in a large suburban school district. One of his students, Miranda, is working toward achieving IEP goals related to self-determination and independent living skills. Miranda is a blind student in the seventh grade who would like to volunteer with her school's snack program. She would like to be able to independently use the stovetop in the school kitchen to cook simple meals (e.g., grilled cheese sandwiches). In planning to address this ECC programming goal, Mr. Vargas and Miranda determine that the stove in the school kitchen is inaccessible as there are no tactile markings on the control panel. Mr. Vargas enlists the help of one of Miranda's subject area teachers, Ms. Haj. Ms. Haj is Miranda's Design and Technology teacher and notes that addressing this design problem aligns with a learning outcome of her class. Ms. Haj helps to recruit three peers who will work with Miranda. Design Problem: Miranda cannot independently use the school kitchen stove to prepare simple meals since all control panel labels are inaccessible. Criteria for Successful Design: Miranda will be able to independently use the control panel of the school kitchen stove to adjust the heat of the stovetop elements while preparing simple meals.

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