VIDBE-Q Volume 69 Issue 1
Nominated by Katie Ericson
Mary Tubbs is a teacher of students with visual impairments for Boothby
Therapy Services, she works with students from diverse backgrounds throughout
the state of New Hampshire. She collaborates with her colleagues to design
thoughtful, individualized programming for students, and she is a lifelong
learner, always seeking to improve her practice.
Mary's passion lies in evidence-based practices for social-emotional
learning for students with visual impairments. Since graduation, she has worked
to improve instruction in social-emotional components of the Expanded Core
Curriculum (ECC). In particular, she has worked with related service providers,
school administrators, and others to improve ECC instruction and social-
emotional supports for military-connected students. Mary has shared her work
with the larger vision community at both local and international conferences,
such as the biannual AERBVI International Conference, and in peer-reviewed
Teacher of the Year Award
Mary Tubbs