VIDBE-Q Volume 68 Issue 1
Donna Brostek Lee
University of Kentucky
The University of Kentucky (UK) Visual Impairment Program is the only
program in the Commonwealth of Kentucky that trains visual impairment
professionals. Started in 2013, with a graduate certification program to train
teachers of the visually impaired, the program now boasts two master's degree
programs: Teacher Preparation Program in Visual Impairments and Orientation
and Mobility (O&M). The program is comprised of three full-time clinical faculty
members: Drs. Donna Brostek Lee, Justin Kaiser, and Amanda Lannan.
The original faculty consisted of Dr. Lee and Gerald Abner (now retired). In
2012, when they started at the University of Kentucky, they were charged with
designing a program to address the critical shortages of teachers of the visually
impaired (TVIs) in the Commonwealth. With support from the Kentucky
Department of Education (KDE), the result was a hybrid certification program
University of Kentucky
Visual Impairment Program