VIDBE-Q Volume 67 Issue 1
Nominated by Karen Koehler
Emily Maginn is the recipient of the 2022 Teacher of the Year award.
Emily's dedication to students with visual impairments and deafblindness is
unparalleled. Emily is passionate about providing students with the highest quality
services and is both an advocate and mentor for students with visual
impairments. She truly believes that all students can be successful and helps
students deal with vision loss by providing them both support and strategies for
learning how to access their world or travel safely through their environment. She
mentors new teachers, sharing her knowledge of visual impairment and the
importance of making the curriculum accessible to all students.
Emily received her degree in early childhood education from Bowling Green
State University in 2003 and launched her teaching career as an early childhood
educator at a French Immersion school in Columbus, Ohio. She began her career as
a teacher of students with visual impairments after completing the TVI program at
the University of Toledo. In 2010, she accepted a position to work as an itinerant
TVI for the South Central Ohio Educational Service Center in southern Ohio. In
2015, she received her COMS certification and took on the additional role of
providing orientation and mobility services to students across the southern part of
Teacher of the Year Award: Emily Maginn