VIDBE-Q Volume 67 Issue 1
Elizabeth S. Hartmann, Lasell University,
Amanda H. Lueck, San Francisco State University,
Deborah Chen, California State University Northridge,
Andrea Montaño, New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually
Kitty Edstrand, New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually
In this article, we present key ideas for designing interventions for young
children with cerebral/cortical visual impairments (CVIs). These key ideas, framed
as questions for practitioners to consider, have emerged over the past two years
from the ongoing collaborative work of the authors and practitioners. Our goal is to
empower practitioners to engage in a collaborative approach that integrates
individualized strategies across developmental domains and embedded within
routines. We've matched our ideas with examples from practitioners and families
in an early intervention program to further motivate practitioners to embrace the
Designing Intervention Strategies for Young
Children with Cerebral/Cortical Visual
Impairments (CVIs)