www.cec.sped.org/membership | 888.232.7733 | Fax: 703.264.9494 | service@cec.sped.org
P.O. Box 79026, Baltimore, MD 21279-0026
Phone: 888.232.7733 • Fax: 703.264.9494
Email: service@cec.sped.org • www.cec.sped.org
Your Membership Options
Member Type Member Student**
Premier (please select your included division on the back)
$205 $164
$115 $92
$65 $52
International Developing Countries —Individuals residing in developing countries, as identified y the World Bank Model, may join CEC at the Full Membership for $50.
Your mailing address must be in a developing country. Otherwise, you will be charged the regular Member rate of $115. Visit www.cec.sped.org/developingcountries for a
current list.
**Student members must be enrolled full or part-time in a matriculating program by an accredited college or university. Students are eligible for the discount for a maximum of
6 cumulative years. For verifi ation, please provide the below information. If you are not eligible for the student discount, you will be charged the member rate.
University Name: _____________________________________ Expected Graduation Date: _________________ Degree: ___________________
Your Member Information
Member ID: Chapter Name/# (if known):
Prefix First Name: Last Name: Suffi
Home Phone: Work Phone:
Email Address (required for delivery of certain member benefits)
Preferred Mailing Address
School/University/Organization Name (if applicable):
Street Address: Apt./Suite/P.O. Box Number:
City: State/Province: Zip/Postal Code:
The voice and vision of special education