Division on Visual Impairments

VIDBE Quarterly Volume 59(5)

A quarterly newsletter from the Council for Exceptional Children's Division on Visual Impairments containing practitioner tips for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists, and other professionals.

Issue link: http://dvi.uberflip.com/i/422067

Contents of this Issue


Page 67 of 72

I recently stopped for a moment to reflect on my journey as an educator in deafblindness. Like many who have juggled a full family, professional life, and graduate school, taking time to think - let alone reflect - seemed like a strange luxury. A friend, knowing I was at a crossroads in my journey, encouraged me to share with others the "pearls" of wisdom that I have developed as a part of my deafblind teaching experiences. Her encouragement and this brief interlude of reflection gave me the chance to capture a few of my experiences in the field of deafblindness. Pearls are interesting things. They are created when something unexpected gets inside an oyster shell. The oyster coats the unfamiliar object with layer upon layer until it becomes smooth and lustrous, something beautiful and of great worth. My heart has been touched by the wonderful, yet mostly unexpected opportunities that have unfolded in front of me. I can truly say my journey with deaf- blindness has created numerous pearls, which I can figuratively cradle in my hands, remember, and be ever so grateful for. As I examine my figurative pearls, my experiences as an intervener, as a family support specialist, and as a deaf-blind specialist, I treasure each experience. My experiences are just as precious to me as pearls of great worth. Pearls: Treasures from a Journey in the Field of Deafblindness Debbie Sanders Utah Schools for the Deaf and Blind Deaf-Blind Teacher Specialist debbies@usdb.org 68

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