Division on Visual Impairments


A quarterly newsletter from the Council for Exceptional Children's Division on Visual Impairments containing practitioner tips for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists, and other professionals.

Issue link: http://dvi.uberflip.com/i/1505296

Contents of this Issue


Page 33 of 70

VIDBE-Q Volume 68 Issue 3 34 NDVS/SB has served individuals of all ages since the early 1990s with the official name change emphasizing that reality in 2001. The number of individuals in every age category served is tracked on a biennial basis. For over a decade, the numbers have been very stable with over 200 adults and more than 300 infants and children served during a two-year period. Surprisingly, numbers during the COVID pandemic remained steady due to alternative methods of service delivery. It is important to note that the number of individuals served have varied frequency of service, with some only needing a few services over a short period of time, and others receiving regularly scheduled instruction over longer periods of time. As we look forward, North Dakota Vision Services/School for the Blind sees many challenges and many opportunities. With strong legislative support, a dedicated staff, and students and clients who motivate us to continuously reflect on and improve our services, we are confident that we will be there to serve North Dakotans who need us for many years to come.

Articles in this issue

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