Division on Visual Impairments

VIDBE-Q 67.3 Summer Back to School Issue.2022.

A quarterly newsletter from the Council for Exceptional Children's Division on Visual Impairments containing practitioner tips for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists, and other professionals.

Issue link: http://dvi.uberflip.com/i/1476599

Contents of this Issue


Page 20 of 84

VIDBE-Q Volume 67 Issue 3 Why use Educational Media? Educational videos can bring great literature, plays, music, or important scenes from history into the classroom. This media can also take students around the globe to meet new people and hear their ideas, take students on otherwise impossible field trips, and show experiments that can't be done in class--i.e., exploring inside the human body or jetting off to Jupiter. DCMP also provides the opportunity for teachers to clip media and join several videos together for a lesson, which gives them the freedom to explore multiple ideas for a lesson. The resulting lessons, thus, engage all the students in the classroom to learn in new ways. In short, educational videos can inspire and engage students, as well as provide authentic learning opportunities. Specifically, the educational media provided through DCMP allows teachers to engage students in problem-solving and investigative activities. The educational media can also help students practice media literacy and critical viewing skills and provide a common experience for students to discuss. Finally, described and captioned media can also help to dismantle social stereotypes. Please see Figure 1 for an example of the accessible media DCMP provides.

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