VIDBE-Q Volume 64 Issue 4
facilitate its growth and to develop training around completion of the survey.
Hallway conversations over several years turned that dream into a reality
when NMSBVI and APH created a Memorandum of Understanding
outlining a two-year (2018 to 2020) vision to bring the project back to APH
and enhance its national focus.
Currently thirteen states are signed up to collect survey information
on children 0-36 months with 5 states included in Snyder's analysis
(Snyder, 2018). The current framework follows this line of participation: (a)
each state chooses a "state administrator" depending on each state's EI/VI
service delivery model, (b) the state administrator registers each EI/VI
program in the state as some states may have more than one, (c) the EI/VI
program then registers individual EI/VI providers who complete surveys for
children on their caseloads with the family's input.
Dorinda Rife and Susan Sullivan, working on behalf of APH, and
Linda Lyle, working on behalf of NMSBVI, are partner project co-leaders for
Babies Count. With guidance from the project leaders, the advisory
committee is focused on widening the number of states submitting data to
the Babies Count registry. The advisory committee is also committed to
analyzing the collective national data on a regular basis for publication,
however each state and individual program also has access to their own