Division on Visual Impairments


A quarterly newsletter from the Council for Exceptional Children's Division on Visual Impairments containing practitioner tips for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists, and other professionals.

Issue link: http://dvi.uberflip.com/i/1070942

Contents of this Issue


Page 60 of 64

60 VIDBE - Q Volume 6 4 Issue 1 advertisements to appeal to past members as well as potential new members. Another valued presentation for me was "Planning PD: Tools Developing Successful Programs" which informed the audience of the results of a recent professional needs assessment in order to better understand the learning desires of practitioners in the field of special education. There were also recommendations of how to plan, develop, and follow through with successful professional development. Discu ssions among the audience focused on annual conferences, chats, webinars, book studies, low cost platforms, partnerships, and challenges. Finally, a message to our division members; my ability to attend this conference was a privilege. It opened my eyes t o the importance of building a strong organization by building strong relationships and renewing our passion for our field. We have to be willing to face our challenges and celebrate our triumphs as a team and recognize that we are the foundation for build ing future leaders. For if we aren't willing to be leaders and mentor future leaders for the sake of our children's futures, then, who will?

Articles in this issue

view archives of Division on Visual Impairments - VIDBE-Q.64.1.Winter.2019