VIDBE - Q Volume 6 4 Issue 1
International's Distinguished Service Award. In addition, his work has been
widely published in numerous languages.
Dr. van Dijk inspired audiences throughout the world as he traveled
and assessed children until the last year of his lif e. His impact on children
who are deafblind and teachers throughout the United States was
enormous. Educators and parents attending his workshops and
assessments were unfailingly awed as he connected with all of the children
and youth by observing and foll owing their movements and interests. No
matter their disability level, he was able to find the spark that could trigger
further learning.
Jan van Dijk understood that all children, regardless of label or
disability, are first and foremost children, and ch ildren like to laugh and
play. Following their playful interests, he went under tables, stood on
chairs, and put his tie on his head. Immersed in child interests, dignity was
never important to him. He always cared most about connection with the
students and finding their moments of joy. Building on child strengths, he
gave parents and teachers what they needed most, hope, concrete
strategies, and inspiration.
Throughout his career, Dr. Jan Dijk sought new research and added
the new learning to his teachin g and assessment methods. Through his